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Art Room by

Fact sheet

France, Jamaika
Year of birth
Favorite techniques
brush , spray chalk
Biggest role model/inspiration
Abstract Expressionism , Hiphop
Life motto/quote/philosophy
we are an organised sum of waves
His message revolves around the love of gesture. We are not made up of much and yet we all carry an internal boil. He likes to think of the body as being a sum of organized waves. Inspired by abstract expressionism and graffiti, he manages to successfully transcribe movement in his works. Profound but yet subtle vibrations animate and allow the image recreate to the movement of bodies by associating gesture with the projection of paint. His way of painting is extremely guttural and energetic. Associating technique and instinct. His works combine mainly acrylic and crayons (graphite). The 2D reproduction of this movement of the body gives life to is model.His lines are waves and frequencies that create a circle, linking music and paint .

The line is initially intended to be abstract and jarring, but as it detaches itself from the painting, by taking a step back, the canvas becomes articulated. Alive.

More Info:
Instagram: www.instagram.com/bust_the_drip

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